Sunday, February 23, 2014

Second Field Experience: Third Grade!

My second field experience is in a public school near my university, with 3rd grade. It is 11% free and reduced lunch and consistently scores above state average in, well....everything. The building is older, but not OLD, and parking is a nightmare. I mostly observe Mrs. K's class for two hours, three days a week. I am also scheduled to teach two independent lessons.

This teacher is very thorough. I met with her before my time started, and she had a welcome sheet already typed up for me, ready to go. The students are all assigned a number for easy labeling of cubbies, mailboxes, book boxes, etc. Amazing idea? uh, yeah.

I observe math and literacy blocks. We're getting these kiddos through fact families/division and fractions in the 6 weeks I'm here. I'll be teaching fractional parts of a set. When we did pre-tests, 5 of my 21 little ones tested out of this section. I have my work cut out for me!

I'll also be handling a book club (that's what she calls reading groups, how cool!) and focusing on inferencing and mysteries with the book Howie Bowles, Secret Agent by Kate Banks.

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